Antique electronics and vintage computers for tv and movie props
We as well as through our extensive network of friends in the hobby have supplied computers, printers, and ephemera for television shows, movies, and print publishing. Our credits include television programs Innovation Nation with Mo Rocca, Halt and Catch Fire, the X-Men, Apocalypse movie, public demonstrations within the United States Senate, online resources with the BBC, CNN, Wired Magazine, and many others. Consider Kennett Classic to be your first stop when searching for hard-to-find computing and electronics objects. Although we rarely allow items from the museum to be used as props, we do have a large inventory of supplemental items that are available. To view a sample of the types of things we have available, please click here to visit our sister web site, If you know what you’re looking for, send your item request.

Vintage computer props include but are not limited to the IBM PC, Apple II and Apple Macintosh, Commodore Vic-20, Commodore 64, Teletypes, Tandy TRS 80 (various models), and computer terminals.